Youth Camp Registration – Child must be active on the membership to register as a member for early registration and member pricing. Non-members registration will start at a later date.
Afterschool Registration - Child must be active on the membership to register for this program. Email to activate your child’s profile on your membership.
Extended Care for Summer Youth Camps: email
1. Log on to the Member Portal.
Youth Camps Only: Create a profile for your child on our Member Portal. See Member Portal Access How to on Youth Dept Page.
2. Active memberships will need to change the profile to the child you want to register by clicking on the name on the right-hand side of screen. Members need to have the main member on the account register. If you are unable to view the children info then you are not the main member on the account. Nonmembers will skip this step.
3. Click on Group Activities.
4. Click on the By Class Tab to show camp weeks to register for.
5. Click on the “Learn More” button for the week you want.
6. Click on the register or add to cart button.
7. House charges: There will be a confirmation window that confirms registration. Print the page for your records
No house charge: Select the home button at the top left of the screen to go back to the main screen, then click on cart to check out.
8. Select Payment Method and submit payment.
Members with house charge and auto draft will have their credit card charged on the 1st of the month following the camp dates.
Members without house charge will pay at the time of registration.
To set up auto draft and house charge privileges, contact
Non-members will have to pay at the time of registration. House charges for non-members will have their card charged for camps within 2 business days after camp registration.
9. Cancellations: Email Summer Camps: Any camps cancelled after May 31st will be charged a $25 cancellation charge. No refunds if camp cancelled within 7 days of week start. Winter Camps: Any camps cancelled after November 30th will be charge a $25 cancellation charge.